
Monday, November 14, 2016

3D Class Week 12 Creating A Medium Complexity Character Part 03

This week we finished our medium complexity starfish dude(tte) project by creating textures and pushing it to Unreal.

For me, I began by taking my props and sculpting them in ZBrush. However, after struggling with the skirt for a few hours, I decided to scrap it altogether and start on a new prop. I present to you, the "Magical Girl KiraKira Sparkle Heart Love Miracle DokiDoki Happiness and Friendship Wand":

Despite losing her skirt, my Pretty Pretty Starfish Gal was determined to stay as Cute (tm) as possible

After that setback, I went back to Zbrush to sculpt the MagiWand (for short) and the hair bow

Then I was able to finally get started making my textures in Substance. I started with the Pretty Pretty Starfish Gal

Then I went about texturing the bow and MagiWand normally, but after making their normal textures,  I felt they were lacking, so I also made "dirty" and "worn" versions of their textures




I also went into Photoshop and created a texture for the eyes.

Then I imported the meshes and textures into Unreal and set up their Materials

Bonus: Here's her casting a spell with her "Magical Girl KiraKira Sparkle Heart Love Miracle DokiDoki Happiness and Friendship Wand"

Total work time:
11 hours

1 comment:

  1. Really work on the shape of the eyes. Try out your non corroded versions!
